APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php : 23 — CodeIgniter\Debug\Exceptions->errorHandler ( arguments )
Attempt to read property "about" on null
16 $this->client = new Client(); 17 helper('Utils'); 18 } 19 20 public function index(): string 21 { 22 $data = [ 23 "about" => $this->getData('about')->about, 24 "skill" => $this->getData('skill')->skill, 25 "personalSkill" => $this->getData('personal-skill')->personal, 26 "imgSections" => $this->getData('img-sections')->images, 27 "achivement" => $this->getData('achivement')->achivement, 28 "socialMedia" => $this->getData('social-media')->social_media, 29 "portfolio" => $this->getData('portfolio')->data_portfolio, 30 "testimonial" => $this->getData('testimonial')->testimonial,
SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 941 — App\Controllers\Home->index ()
934 protected function runController($class) 935 { 936 // This is a Web request or PHP CLI request 937 $params = $this->router->params(); 938 939 $output = method_exists($class, '_remap') 940 ? $class->_remap($this->method, ...$params) 941 : $class->{$this->method}(...$params); 942 943 $this->benchmark->stop('controller'); 944 945 return $output; 946 } 947 948 /**
SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 502 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController ( arguments )
App\Controllers\Home Object ( [helpers:protected] => Array ( ) [request:protected] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\IncomingRequest Object ( [protocolVersion:protected] => 1.1 [validProtocolVersions:protected] => Array ( [0] => 1.0 [1] => 1.1 [2] => 2.0 [3] => 3.0 ) [body:protected] => [headers:protected] => Array ( [Accept] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Accept [value:protected] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 ) [Accept-Encoding] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Accept-Encoding [value:protected] => br,gzip ) [Accept-Language] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Accept-Language [value:protected] => en-US,en;q=0.5 ) [Host] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Host [value:protected] => aguskhaer.com ) [User-Agent] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => User-Agent [value:protected] => CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) ) [If-Modified-Since] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => If-Modified-Since [value:protected] => Sun, 11 Aug 2024 19:17:34 GMT ) [X-Https] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => X-Https [value:protected] => 1 ) ) [headerMap:protected] => Array ( [accept] => Accept [accept-encoding] => Accept-Encoding [accept-language] => Accept-Language [host] => Host [user-agent] => User-Agent [if-modified-since] => If-Modified-Since [x-https] => X-Https ) [method:protected] => GET [uri] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI Object ( [uriString:protected] => [baseURL:CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI:private] => [segments:protected] => Array ( ) [scheme:protected] => https [user:protected] => [password:protected] => [host:protected] => aguskhaer.com [port:protected] => [path:protected] => /index.php/ [fragment:protected] => [query:protected] => Array ( ) [defaultPorts:protected] => Array ( [http] => 80 [https] => 443 [ftp] => 21 [sftp] => 22 ) [showPassword:protected] => [silent:protected] => [rawQueryString:protected] => [baseURL:CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI:private] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI Object ( [uriString:protected] => [baseURL:CodeIgniter\HTTP\URI:private] => [segments:protected] => Array ( ) [scheme:protected] => https [user:protected] => [password:protected] => [host:protected] => aguskhaer.com [port:protected] => [path:protected] => / [fragment:protected] => [query:protected] => Array ( ) [defaultPorts:protected] => Array ( [http] => 80 [https] => 443 [ftp] => 21 [sftp] => 22 ) [showPassword:protected] => [silent:protected] => [rawQueryString:protected] => ) [basePathWithoutIndexPage:CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI:private] => / [indexPage:CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI:private] => index.php [baseSegments:CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI:private] => Array ( [0] => index.php ) [routePath:CodeIgniter\HTTP\SiteURI:private] => ) [proxyIPs:protected] => [ipAddress:protected] => [globals:protected] => Array ( [server] => Array ( [PATH] => /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin [HTTP_ACCEPT] => text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 [HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING] => br,gzip [HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE] => en-US,en;q=0.5 [HTTP_HOST] => aguskhaer.com [HTTP_USER_AGENT] => CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) [HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE] => Sun, 11 Aug 2024 19:17:34 GMT [HTTP_X_HTTPS] => 1 [DOCUMENT_ROOT] => /home/aguskhae/public_html [REMOTE_ADDR] => [REMOTE_PORT] => 43728 [SERVER_ADDR] => [SERVER_NAME] => aguskhaer.com [SERVER_ADMIN] => webmaster@aguskhaer.com [SERVER_PORT] => 443 [REQUEST_SCHEME] => https [REQUEST_URI] => / [HTTPS] => on [X_SPDY] => HTTP2 [SSL_PROTOCOL] => TLSv1.3 [SSL_CIPHER] => TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 [SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE] => 256 [SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE] => 256 [SCRIPT_FILENAME] => /home/aguskhae/public_html/index.php [QUERY_STRING] => [SCRIPT_URI] => https://aguskhaer.com/ [SCRIPT_URL] => / [SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php [SERVER_PROTOCOL] => HTTP/1.1 [SERVER_SOFTWARE] => LiteSpeed [REQUEST_METHOD] => GET [X-LSCACHE] => on [PHP_SELF] => /index.php [REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT] => 1729043228.8347 [REQUEST_TIME] => 1729043228 [argv] => Array ( ) [argc] => 0 [CI_ENVIRONMENT] => development [app.baseURL] => https://aguskhaer.com/ [BASE_URL_API] => https://personal-admin.aguskhaer.com/api/ ) [get] => Array ( ) ) [enableCSRF:protected] => [path:protected] => [files:protected] => [negotiator:protected] => [defaultLocale:protected] => en [locale:protected] => en [validLocales:protected] => Array ( [0] => en ) [config] => Config\App Object ( [baseURL] => https://aguskhaer.com/ [allowedHostnames] => Array ( ) [indexPage] => index.php [uriProtocol] => REQUEST_URI [defaultLocale] => en [negotiateLocale] => [supportedLocales] => Array ( [0] => en ) [appTimezone] => UTC [charset] => UTF-8 [forceGlobalSecureRequests] => [proxyIPs] => Array ( ) [CSPEnabled] => ) [oldInput:protected] => Array ( ) [userAgent:protected] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\UserAgent Object ( [agent:protected] => CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) [isBrowser:protected] => [isRobot:protected] => [isMobile:protected] => [config:protected] => Config\UserAgents Object ( [platforms] => Array ( [windows nt 10.0] => Windows 10 [windows nt 6.3] => Windows 8.1 [windows nt 6.2] => Windows 8 [windows nt 6.1] => Windows 7 [windows nt 6.0] => Windows Vista [windows nt 5.2] => Windows 2003 [windows nt 5.1] => Windows XP [windows nt 5.0] => Windows 2000 [windows nt 4.0] => Windows NT 4.0 [winnt4.0] => Windows NT 4.0 [winnt 4.0] => Windows NT [winnt] => Windows NT [windows 98] => Windows 98 [win98] => Windows 98 [windows 95] => Windows 95 [win95] => Windows 95 [windows phone] => Windows Phone [windows] => Unknown Windows OS [android] => Android [blackberry] => BlackBerry [iphone] => iOS [ipad] => iOS [ipod] => iOS [os x] => Mac OS X [ppc mac] => Power PC Mac [freebsd] => FreeBSD [ppc] => Macintosh [linux] => Linux [debian] => Debian [sunos] => Sun Solaris [beos] => BeOS [apachebench] => ApacheBench [aix] => AIX [irix] => Irix [osf] => DEC OSF [hp-ux] => HP-UX [netbsd] => NetBSD [bsdi] => BSDi [openbsd] => OpenBSD [gnu] => GNU/Linux [unix] => Unknown Unix OS [symbian] => Symbian OS ) [browsers] => Array ( [OPR] => Opera [Flock] => Flock [Edge] => Spartan [Edg] => Edge [Chrome] => Chrome [Opera.*?Version] => Opera [Opera] => Opera [MSIE] => Internet Explorer [Internet Explorer] => Internet Explorer [Trident.* rv] => Internet Explorer [Shiira] => Shiira [Firefox] => Firefox [Chimera] => Chimera [Phoenix] => Phoenix [Firebird] => Firebird [Camino] => Camino [Netscape] => Netscape [OmniWeb] => OmniWeb [Safari] => Safari [Mozilla] => Mozilla [Konqueror] => Konqueror [icab] => iCab [Lynx] => Lynx [Links] => Links [hotjava] => HotJava [amaya] => Amaya [IBrowse] => IBrowse [Maxthon] => Maxthon [Ubuntu] => Ubuntu Web Browser [Vivaldi] => Vivaldi ) [mobiles] => Array ( [mobileexplorer] => Mobile Explorer [palmsource] => Palm [palmscape] => Palmscape [motorola] => Motorola [nokia] => Nokia [palm] => Palm [iphone] => Apple iPhone [ipad] => iPad [ipod] => Apple iPod Touch [sony] => Sony Ericsson [ericsson] => Sony Ericsson [blackberry] => BlackBerry [cocoon] => O2 Cocoon [blazer] => Treo [lg] => LG [amoi] => Amoi [xda] => XDA [mda] => MDA [vario] => Vario [htc] => HTC [samsung] => Samsung [sharp] => Sharp [sie-] => Siemens [alcatel] => Alcatel [benq] => BenQ [ipaq] => HP iPaq [mot-] => Motorola [playstation portable] => PlayStation Portable [playstation 3] => PlayStation 3 [playstation vita] => PlayStation Vita [hiptop] => Danger Hiptop [nec-] => NEC [panasonic] => Panasonic [philips] => Philips [sagem] => Sagem [sanyo] => Sanyo [spv] => SPV [zte] => ZTE [sendo] => Sendo [nintendo dsi] => Nintendo DSi [nintendo ds] => Nintendo DS [nintendo 3ds] => Nintendo 3DS [wii] => Nintendo Wii [open web] => Open Web [openweb] => OpenWeb [android] => Android [symbian] => Symbian [SymbianOS] => SymbianOS [elaine] => Palm [series60] => Symbian S60 [windows ce] => Windows CE [obigo] => Obigo [netfront] => Netfront Browser [openwave] => Openwave Browser [mobilexplorer] => Mobile Explorer [operamini] => Opera Mini [opera mini] => Opera Mini [opera mobi] => Opera Mobile [fennec] => Firefox Mobile [digital paths] => Digital Paths [avantgo] => AvantGo [xiino] => Xiino [novarra] => Novarra Transcoder [vodafone] => Vodafone [docomo] => NTT DoCoMo [o2] => O2 [mobile] => Generic Mobile [wireless] => Generic Mobile [j2me] => Generic Mobile [midp] => Generic Mobile [cldc] => Generic Mobile [up.link] => Generic Mobile [up.browser] => Generic Mobile [smartphone] => Generic Mobile [cellphone] => Generic Mobile ) [robots] => Array ( [googlebot] => Googlebot [msnbot] => MSNBot [baiduspider] => Baiduspider [bingbot] => Bing [slurp] => Inktomi Slurp [yahoo] => Yahoo [ask jeeves] => Ask Jeeves [fastcrawler] => FastCrawler [infoseek] => InfoSeek Robot 1.0 [lycos] => Lycos [yandex] => YandexBot [mediapartners-google] => MediaPartners Google [CRAZYWEBCRAWLER] => Crazy Webcrawler [adsbot-google] => AdsBot Google [feedfetcher-google] => Feedfetcher Google [curious george] => Curious George [ia_archiver] => Alexa Crawler [MJ12bot] => Majestic-12 [Uptimebot] => Uptimebot ) ) [platform:protected] => Unknown Platform [browser:protected] => [version:protected] => [mobile:protected] => [robot:protected] => [referrer:protected] => ) ) [response:protected] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Response Object ( [protocolVersion:protected] => 1.1 [validProtocolVersions:protected] => Array ( [0] => 1.0 [1] => 1.1 [2] => 2.0 [3] => 3.0 ) [body:protected] => [headers:protected] => Array ( [Cache-Control] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Cache-Control [value:protected] => Array ( [0] => no-store [1] => max-age=0 [2] => no-cache ) ) [Content-Type] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\Header Object ( [name:protected] => Content-Type [value:protected] => text/html; charset=UTF-8 ) ) [headerMap:protected] => Array ( [cache-control] => Cache-Control [content-type] => Content-Type ) [reason:protected] => Internal Server Error [statusCode:protected] => 500 [pretend:protected] => [CSPEnabled:protected] => [CSP] => CodeIgniter\HTTP\ContentSecurityPolicy Object ( [baseURI:protected] => [childSrc:protected] => self [connectSrc:protected] => self [defaultSrc:protected] => [fontSrc:protected] => [formAction:protected] => self [frameAncestors:protected] => [frameSrc:protected] => [imageSrc:protected] => self [mediaSrc:protected] => [objectSrc:protected] => self [pluginTypes:protected] => [reportURI:protected] => [sandbox:protected] => [scriptSrc:protected] => Array ( [0] => self ) [styleSrc:protected] => Array ( [0] => self ) [manifestSrc:protected] => [upgradeInsecureRequests:protected] => [reportOnly:protected] => [validSources:protected] => Array ( [0] => self [1] => none [2] => unsafe-inline [3] => unsafe-eval ) [nonces:protected] => Array ( ) [styleNonce:protected] => [scriptNonce:protected] => [styleNonceTag:protected] => {csp-style-nonce} [scriptNonceTag:protected] => {csp-script-nonce} [autoNonce:protected] => 1 [tempHeaders:protected] => Array ( ) [reportOnlyHeaders:protected] => Array ( ) [CSPEnabled:protected] => ) [cookieStore:protected] => CodeIgniter\Cookie\CookieStore Object ( [cookies:protected] => Array ( ) ) [cookiePrefix:protected] => [cookieDomain:protected] => [cookiePath:protected] => / [cookieSecure:protected] => [cookieHTTPOnly:protected] => [cookieSameSite:protected] => lax [cookies:protected] => Array ( ) [bodyFormat:protected] => html ) [logger:protected] => CodeIgniter\Log\Logger Object ( [logLevels:protected] => Array ( [emergency] => 1 [alert] => 2 [critical] => 3 [error] => 4 [warning] => 5 [notice] => 6 [info] => 7 [debug] => 8 ) [loggableLevels:protected] => Array ( [0] => emergency [1] => alert [2] => critical [3] => error [4] => warning [5] => notice [6] => info [7] => debug [8] => ) [filePermissions:protected] => 420 [dateFormat:protected] => Y-m-d H:i:s [fileExt:protected] => [handlers:protected] => Array ( [CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\FileHandler] => CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\FileHandler Object ( [handles:protected] => Array ( [0] => critical [1] => alert [2] => emergency [3] => debug [4] => error [5] => info [6] => notice [7] => warning ) [dateFormat:protected] => Y-m-d H:i:s [path:protected] => /home/aguskhae/personal-ci-core/writable/logs/ [fileExtension:protected] => log [filePermissions:protected] => 420 ) ) [handlerConfig:protected] => Array ( [CodeIgniter\Log\Handlers\FileHandler] => Array ( [handles] => Array ( [0] => critical [1] => alert [2] => emergency [3] => debug [4] => error [5] => info [6] => notice [7] => warning ) [fileExtension] => [filePermissions] => 420 [path] => ) ) [logCache] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [level] => critical [msg] => ErrorException: Attempt to read property "about" on null in APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php on line 23. 1 APPPATH/Controllers/Home.php(23): CodeIgniter\Debug\Exceptions->errorHandler(2, 'Attempt to read property "about" on null', '/home/aguskhae/personal-ci-core/app/Controllers/Home.php', 23) 2 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(941): App\Controllers\Home->index() 3 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(502): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\Home)) 4 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(361): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(null, Object(Config\Cache), false) 5 FCPATH/index.php(79): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() ) ) [cacheLogs:protected] => 1 ) [forceHTTPS:protected] => 0 [validator:protected] => [BASE_URL:protected] => https://personal-admin.aguskhaer.com/api/ [client:protected] => GuzzleHttp\Client Object ( [config:GuzzleHttp\Client:private] => Array ( [handler] => GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack Object ( [handler:GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack:private] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [default] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler Object ( [factory:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory Object ( [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => Array ( ) [maxHandles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => 50 ) [selectTimeout:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => 1 [active:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => 0 [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) [delays:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) [options:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) ) [sync] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler Object ( [factory:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler:private] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory Object ( [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => Array ( [0] => CurlHandle Object ( ) ) [maxHandles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => 3 ) ) ) [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => <required> [$options] => <required> ) ) [stack:GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [bodySummarizer] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$handler] => <required> ) ) [1] => http_errors ) [1] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$handler] => <required> ) ) [1] => allow_redirects ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$handler] => <required> ) ) [1] => cookies ) [3] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$handler] => <required> ) ) [1] => prepare_body ) ) [cached:GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack:private] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [handler] => GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware Object ( [nextHandler:GuzzleHttp\RedirectMiddleware:private] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [handler] => GuzzleHttp\PrepareBodyMiddleware Object ( [nextHandler:GuzzleHttp\PrepareBodyMiddleware:private] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [default] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler Object ( [factory:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory Object ( [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => Array ( ) [maxHandles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => 50 ) [selectTimeout:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => 1 [active:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => 0 [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) [delays:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) [options:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlMultiHandler:private] => Array ( ) ) [sync] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler Object ( [factory:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler:private] => GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory Object ( [handles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => Array ( [0] => CurlHandle Object ( ) ) [maxHandles:GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlFactory:private] => 3 ) ) ) [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => <required> [$options] => <required> ) ) ) ) [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => <required> [$options] => <required> ) ) ) [bodySummarizer] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => <required> [$options] => <required> ) ) ) [allow_redirects] => Array ( [max] => 5 [protocols] => Array ( [0] => http [1] => https ) [strict] => [referer] => [track_redirects] => ) [http_errors] => 1 [decode_content] => 1 [verify] => 1 [cookies] => [idn_conversion] => [headers] => Array ( [User-Agent] => GuzzleHttp/7 ) ) ) )
495 if (! method_exists($controller, '_remap') && ! is_callable([$controller, $this->method], false)) { 496 throw PageNotFoundException::forMethodNotFound($this->method); 497 } 498 499 // Is there a "post_controller_constructor" event? 500 Events::trigger('post_controller_constructor'); 501 502 $returned = $this->runController($controller); 503 } else { 504 $this->benchmark->stop('controller_constructor'); 505 $this->benchmark->stop('controller'); 506 } 507 508 // If $returned is a string, then the controller output something, 509 // probably a view, instead of echoing it directly. Send it along
SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php : 361 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest ( arguments )
Config\Cache Object ( [handler] => file [backupHandler] => dummy [storePath] => /home/aguskhae/personal-ci-core/writable/cache/ [cacheQueryString] => [prefix] => [ttl] => 60 [reservedCharacters] => {}()/\@: [file] => Array ( [storePath] => /home/aguskhae/personal-ci-core/writable/cache/ [mode] => 416 ) [memcached] => Array ( [host] => [port] => 11211 [weight] => 1 [raw] => ) [redis] => Array ( [host] => [password] => [port] => 6379 [timeout] => 0 [database] => 0 ) [validHandlers] => Array ( [dummy] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\DummyHandler [file] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\FileHandler [memcached] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\MemcachedHandler [predis] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\PredisHandler [redis] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\RedisHandler [wincache] => CodeIgniter\Cache\Handlers\WincacheHandler ) )
354 355 $this->getRequestObject(); 356 $this->getResponseObject(); 357 358 $this->spoofRequestMethod(); 359 360 try { 361 $this->response = $this->handleRequest($routes, config(Cache::class), $returnResponse); 362 } catch (ResponsableInterface|DeprecatedRedirectException $e) { 363 $this->outputBufferingEnd(); 364 if ($e instanceof DeprecatedRedirectException) { 365 $e = new RedirectException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); 366 } 367 368 $this->response = $e->getResponse();
FCPATH/index.php : 79 — CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run ()
72 *--------------------------------------------------------------- 73 * LAUNCH THE APPLICATION 74 *--------------------------------------------------------------- 75 * Now that everything is set up, it's time to actually fire 76 * up the engines and make this app do its thang. 77 */ 78 79 $app->run(); 80 81 // Save Config Cache 82 // $factoriesCache->save('config'); 83 // ^^^ Uncomment this line if you want to use Config Caching. 84 85 // Exits the application, setting the exit code for CLI-based applications 86 // that might be watching.